How Multiple Reviews Service Scan Works?
This service enables subscribers to consolidate multiple review provider accounts into a single QR Code, setting a unique address for each provider. Upon setup, a landing page is dynamically generated with each scan of the QR Code, presenting all defined entries as icons. Each icon is accompanied by a clickable button, ensuring easy access to all specified review providers.
Visitors effortlessly scan the QR Code, instantly redirecting them to a landing page that displays icons of all review companies defined by the subscriber. By clicking on any of the icons, users are navigated to the specified review company page set by the subscriber, where they can conveniently leave a review.
In today's landscape, many businesses utilise multiple review providers, often encountering the cumbersome task of communicating each provider's address through their offline channels. Implementing our QR Code service, which serves as a unified access point where visitors can effortlessly reach defined review profiles, not only simplifies this communication but also enhances user engagement and grows subscribers’ reviews.
Every QR Code account comes with a secure login area, enabling subscribers to define and update their review accounts with ease. Additionally, subscribers can access user visits and scans report activities related to their account, offering valuable insights into user engagement with their QR Code.